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2 posts tagged with "interview"

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· 3 min read


this problem is a classic. i got this one from an interview.

you’re given the string as input consisting solely of (, ), and any alpha lower case chars a-z. determine whether the parentheses are balanced.

· 3 min read


recentry i have been in interviews to find a new professional opportunity. i got this code challenge from on of those interviews.

what i liked about this particular interview was that the code challenge had progressions/iterations: every time i solved it, the interviewer added constraints or scenarios to support.

the code challenge was to implemente the following function:

* @param header a comma-separated list of languages preferred by the client (in order) `en-US,fr-CA,de-DE`
* @param availableLanguages set of available languages in the platform
* @return the available languages preferred by the client (in order) in the platform
def languages(header: String, availableLanguages: Set[String]): Set[String] = ???