this time we will try to (satisfactory) solve a coding challenge.
write a function that takes in a non-empty array of integers that are sorted in ascending order and returns a new array of the same length with the squares of the original integers also sorted in ascending order.
first attempt
first attempt (which fails when array
includes negative numbers)
given array = [-2, -1]
as input, output is [4, 1]
which is wrong
because correct output should be sorted in ascending order:
#!/usr/bin/env kscript
fun sortedSquaredArray(array: List<Int>): List<Int> {
return { n -> n * n }
what i like from first-attempt
(failed) solution is that
we have no state (we are not mutating anything), we are only
traversing our input array once and generating a new array as our output.
second attempt
an optimal solution would be to use a data structure that preserves
the order of its elements i.e binary tree; but, given that we have no b-tree at our disposal we can leverage
Kotlin native BinarySearch
methods in List
. we need to be careful with the return value of
such a function in order to prevent index bound exceptions:
#!/usr/bin/env kscript
fun sortedSquaredArray(array: List<Int>): List<Int> {
val acc = mutableListOf<Int>()
for (n in array) {
val sqr = n * n
if (acc.isEmpty()) acc.add(sqr)
else {
val i = (acc.binarySearch(sqr, 0, acc.size) + 1).absoluteValue
acc.add(i, sqr)
return acc
what i dislike from second-attempt
solution is that: we have state mutations.
on the other hand, i like that we are still traversing our input array once
meaning O(n)
complexity which I think is nice!
as a bonus here is a 3rd optional solution that is not as efficient as the previous one but this third solution is based on immutable data structures which is always good:
- Kotlin
- Scala
#!/urs/bin/env kscript
fun sortedSquaredArray(array: List<Int>): List<Int> {
fun add(n: Int, list: List<Int>): List<Int> {
val (l, g) = list.partition { x -> x <= n }
return array.fold(listOf()) { acc, n ->
add(n * n, acc)
* scala 3.1.0
// binary-search based (not stack-safe)
final def add(list: List[Int], n: Int): List[Int] =
list match
case Nil => List(n)
case x :: Nil if n >= x => list :+ n
case x :: Nil if n < x => n +: list
case _ =>
val size = list.size
val middleIndex: Int = size / 2
val middleValue: Int = list(middleIndex)
val (l, g) = list.splitAt(middleIndex)
if n > middleValue then
l ++ add(list.slice(middleIndex, size), n)
add(list.slice(0, middleIndex), n) ++ g
def sortedSquaredArray(list: List[Int]): List[Int] =
list.foldLeft(List.empty) { (acc, n) =>
add(acc, n * n)
val result =sortedSquaredArray(List(-3, -2, 1))
assert(result == List(1, 4, 9))
PD. in case you are wondering bout the
in the codeblocks take a look at: holgerbrandl/kscript